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May 2018

Sloven’c v Britaniji: od izzivov do priložnosti – okrogla miza 29. 5.

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Čas: 29. 5. 2018, ob 18.00
Kraj: Europe House, 32 Smith Square, London SW1P 3EU
Organizator: Društvo VTIS (V Tujini Izobraženi Slovenci)

Si tudi ti eden izmed tistih Slovencev, ki smo zašli na Otok in si poiskali nove izzive in priložnosti? Imaš tudi ti zbirko hecnih zgodb o spopadanju z britansko diplomacijo in njihovim humorjem? Tudi ti iščes nove načine povezovanja s Slovenijo?

Od asimilacije Slovencev v Britaniji do asimilacije britanskih Slovencev v slovenskem okolju – od medijskega buma o “begu možganov” do iskanja rešitev za krepitev “kroženja znanja” – o tem in še o čem se bomo pogovarjali s šestimi člani Društva VTIS na okrogli mizi.
Na okrogli mizi bodo sodelovali:

Jana Javornik, “senior lecturer” na University of East London in direktorica Noon Centre for Equality and Diversity in Business.

Maj Plemenitaš, akademik in raziskovalec na University College London, kjer je direktor Cross Scale Design Research; ustanovitelj in direktor design studia Linkscale.

Miha Pipan, soustanovitelj in CSO podjetja Entomics, ki si prizadeva razvijati biotehnološke rešitve za rastoči trg trajnostnih živalskih krm na bazi insektov.

Neža Vadnjal, doktorska raziskovalka na programu inštituta Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology na University College London, kjer raziskuje celično biofiziko.

Jure Sokolić, “research associate” na King’s College London, kjer se ukvarja z aplikacijami strojnega učenja v medicinske namene.

Sledila bo kratka delavnica, s katero bi radi izvedeli več tudi o tvojih osebnih izzivih, ki jih imaš kot v tujini živeči in izobraženi Slovenec ter o idejah za izboljšanje stanja. Društvo VTIS organizira dogodek skupaj z Veleposlaništvom Republike Slovenije v Veliki Britaniji.

Društvo VTIS je bilo ustanovljeno z namenom povezovati in zastopati interese slovenskih državljanov, ki se v okviru visokošolskega študija izobražujejo ali so se izobraževali oziroma opravljajo ali so opravljali raziskovalno dejavnost na izobraževalno-raziskovalnih ustanovah v tujini.

Prijavni obrazec je na spletni strani društva VTIS:

BSS visit to the Francis Crick Institute, 6th June – members only

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The British-Slovene Society has arranged a visit to the Francis Crick Institute in London, where world-leading gene research into DNA and RNA takes place. Our host will be Slovene researcher Jernej Ule, who will show us round and explain the work of the Crick. Subsequently, we can mingle over a drink in the bar on the ground floor, open to 6pm.

Time: 6th June, 5.00 to 6.30 pm.

Address: The Francis Crick Institute, 1 Midland Road, London NW1 1AT. See attached map. The entrance is opposite the Midland Road entrance to Eurostar, adjacent to the sculpture in the attached picture.

This is a rare occasion to learn about some of the fundamental biology underlying health and disease from a qualified Slovene expert. Here’s a link to Jernej, our host:

This visit is exclusively for members of the British-Slovene Society. If you wish to become a member, you can do so on the website under JOIN/RENEW.

We look forward to seeing you there.

For security reasons please apply beforehand to the email address:

Notice of Annual General Meeting

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For members of the British-Slovene Society only:

Notice is hereby given that The Annual General Meeting of the British-Slovene Society will be held at 5 pm on Friday 8 June 2018 at the Embassy of Slovenia, 17 Dartmouth Street, Westminster, London SW1H 9BL.

Seating is limited to 30 and we therefore ask you to confirm your attendance by email to:

In case you cannot attend the AGM and wish to vote, please use the Form of Proxy: BSS-2018-AGM-Form-of-proxy 


Invitation to the British-Slovene Society Annual Picnic

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Dear Slovenes, friends and families,

We warmly invite you to join us from 12 noon till 4.30 p.m. on Sunday 1st July 2018 for the Annual Picnic in the Oxford University Arboretum at Nuneham Courtenay, is OX44 9PX. We will meet again by the kozolec (Slovene hay rack).
Bring a picnic, drinks, deckchairs, blankets, your kids, grandchildren and friends. If you make something particularly nice, you may wish to share it with others!
The Arboretum is situated just south of the village of Nuneham Courtenay on the A4074 road from Reading, eight miles south of Oxford. From London it can be reached by the M40, exit 8, A40 to Oxford, then southwards round the Ring Road (A4142) on to the A4074 towards Reading.
If you come by train to Oxford or Reading, you can then take the bus X39/X40 to the Arboretum. If you have problems please mail to or call 07584 199 177 and we will do what we can to help.
The Arboretum has kindly agreed to mow the area around the hayrack, but we are not allowed to climb on it. Adults pay £5.45 for entry to the Arboretum, concessions £4. You can pay by cash, credit/debit card or cheque. Children under 16, Members of Oxford University (bring your card) and registered disabled and carers enter for free. Dogs are not allowed.
More information on the Arboretum can be found at
We must leave by 4:30 pm when the Arboretum closes. However, if you wish to come earlier, you can do so from 10 am onwards.
In addition to the Slovenian Ambassador in London, Tadej Rupel, we will be honoured by the visit of the Minister for Slovenians Abroad, Gorazd Žmavc. The Slovenian government has been supporting the activities of the British-Slovene Society.
We hope we can welcome many of you as we celebrate and enjoy an afternoon around the kozolec – one of the most traditional symbols of Slovenia and its culture.