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Sun, grass and Slovene kozolec for the Oxford picnic

By July 8, 2013No Comments

Andy Murray may have won Wimbledon on 7th July, but the main news that day is that record numbers turned out in glorious weather for the annual picnic of the British-Slovene Society at the Oxford University Arboretum.15


Some 60 people spent up to five hours enjoying perfect picnic conditions on carefully mown grass next to the traditional Slovene kozolec (hayrack), which was a gift of the new Slovenian state to Britain some 20 years ago. Staff at the Arboretum even stacked grass to dry on the kozolec – a much appreciated gesture.

The sun shone, the drinks and food gradually disappeared, balls were kicked, discs thrown and peacocks chased. Young and old chatted and lay back in the welcome shade offered by the trees of the Arboretum. The last picnickers only left when the park closed for the day.


Lisa travelled all the way from South Wales. On her left Francis King who arranged for the kozolec to come to the Arboretum.


Ambassador Iztok Jarc came with his family.

Slovene singing at the picnic: MOV06682

More pictures in the gallery.



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