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October 2013

Ljubljana International Orchestra in London

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The Ljubljana International Orchestra will perform on Monday 25 November at St John’s Smith Square, London SW1P 3HA at 7.30 p.m.


Verdi: Overture Forza del Destino
Berlioz: Harold in Italy
Tchaikovsky: Romeo and Juliet
Živa Ploj Peršuh  conductor
Gilad Karni viola

The Ljubljana International Orchestra is part of the Branimir Slokar Academy. It comprises 82 young musicians from 20 countries. Playing in this orchestra enables outstanding young musicians to gain the invaluable experience of playing in a symphony orchestra and working with distinguished professors, conductors and soloists.

The London concert of The Ljubljana International Orchestra will be part of the celebration of Emona 2000 marking 2 millennia of the existence of Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. The concert will be attended by Zoran Janković, the mayor of Ljubljana.

For more information see:






Slovene author Marika Mihelčič tells her popular chirdren’s stories

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Bring your children on Saturday 9 November at 10:15am to Coram Fields Children Centre, 93 Guilford Street, London WC1N 1DN to listen to Marika Mihelčič tell her children’s stories inspired by growing up among Slovenia’s mountains and forests.


Marika tells her stories to children all over Slovenia, and now she is coming to England to do the same for boys and girls from 1 to 4 years of age who understand some Slovene.

She writes and tells her tales in Slovene, and they are currently being translated into English. Eventually, families will be able to enjoy the same story in two languages.

Marika spent her childhood in a large wooden house nestling on the green slopes of the Pohorje mountain, amid fields, streams and the smells of forests. She ran around with her brothers and friends, played games … and invented stories.

Until her retirement, she worked with deaf children, who were deprived of the pleasure of bedtime stories. Now she sits again in a cosy log cabin and conjures up new tales to enchant the little ones. She seeks to entertain and caress children, turn their eyes towards nature, arouse their feelings, question ambiguities and develop their creative curiosity.

Bring your own children to join her on 9 November in an enchanted world.

Once upon a time …

Nagradni natečaj za diplomska, magistrska in doktorska dela na temo Slovenci v zamejstvu oz. izseljenstvu

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Urad Vlade RS za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu je objavil nagradni natečaj za diplomska, magistrska in doktorska dela na temi:

A: Slovenci v zamejstvu

B: Slovenci v izseljenstvu

Na natečaj se lahko prijavijo kandidatke in kandidati iz Republike Slovenije in tujine. Predmet nagradnega natečaja so uspešno zagovarjana diplomska, magistrska in doktorska dela na kateri koli univerzi v Sloveniji ali zunaj nje, ki obravnavajo tematike slovenskih skupnosti zunaj meja Republike Slovenije.

Na natečaj Urada lahko kandidirajo tudi posamezniki z deli, ki so že bila prijavljena na drugih podobnih natečajih. Upoštevana bodo dela, zagovarjana v obdobju od 01. 11. 2012 do 31. 10. 2013.

Nagrajena bodo tri dela s področja zamejstva in tri dela s področja izseljenstva, in sicer  prvi nagradi za vsako od področji v višini 800 evrov, drugi nagradi v višini 600 evrov in tretji nagradi v višini 400 evrov.

Kandidati naj  dokumente pošljejo do vključno 10. 12. 2013 na naslov Urad Vlade RS za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu, Erjavčeva 15, 1000 Ljubljana.

Kandidati naj do vključno 10. 12. 2013 pošljejo na naslov Urad Vlade RS za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu, Erjavčeva 15, 1000 Ljubljana s pripisom “ZA NAGRADNI NATEČAJ” en vezan izvod svojega dela v trdih platnicah, potrdilo o uspešno opravljenem zagovoru diplomskega, magistrskega ali doktorskega dela z razvidnim datumom zagovora in kratek življenjepis z osnovnimi osebnimi podatki in kontaktnim naslovom.

Dodatne informacije dobite na tel. št. +386 1 230 80 11 (dr. Zvone Žigon) ali preko elektronske pošte:


Slovenian Parliamentary Delegation Visits House of Commons

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A Slovenian Parliamentary delegation led by Janko Veber, President of the National Assembly, attended a debate in the House of Commons during a visit to London on 14th October 2013, and met British Members of Parliament belonging to the British-Slovene Parliamentary Group.

The Slovenian visitors remarked on the custom that Members of Parliament could interject comments during speeches in the debating chamber, which contrasted with practice in Slovenia.

Before the discussion ended, the visitors had another taste of British democracy in action: the Division Bell rang, and the British MPs had to hurry away to take part in a vote.

David Lloyd, Chairman of the BSS, told how the Society had evolved in the 20 years of its existence, moving from helping the young Slovenian state establish itself to networking, spreading knowledge of Slovenia, and facilitating contacts between Britons and Slovenes.

Janko Veber, President of the Slovenian National Assembly (centre-right), shakes hands with David Lloyd, Chairman of the British-Slovene Society. Between them is Neil Parish, MP, Chairman of the British-Slovene All-Party Parliamentary Group.

Janko Veber, President of the Slovenian National Assembly (centre-right), shakes hands with David Lloyd, Chairman of the British-Slovene Society. Between them is Neil Parish, MP, Chairman of the British-Slovene All-Party Parliamentary Group.


Christmas Carol Service

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The Anglo-Slovene Carol Service will be held on 13th December at 6.30 for 7 p.m. at  St. Andrew by the Wardrobe, Queen Victoria Street and St. Andrew’s Hill, City of London, EC4V 5DE. Please note that nearest underground station is Blackfriars. St Paul’s and Mansion House stations are not far away.

The Service will have readings and carols in English and Slovene.

Please feel free to bring any guests.

Christmas drink and potica will be served after the service.

How to get there